Posts tagged blessings in the struggle
What is Willpower Anyway??

I have a lot of friends who are entrepreneurs. (Probably because I am also an entrepreneur and we tend to stick together.) There’s an added pressure when you work for yourself to perform at a high level, because your business is a reflection of you.

There’s a pervasive message in the entrepreneurial world about “making things happen” – and that ability to make things happen seems to be directly tied to how hard you work and how much you’re able to overcome.

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Are We Inherently Good?

I’ve spoken with a lot of people who are feeling an enormous amount of despair right now ... people who look around at the world and doubt humanity’s inherent goodness, who doubt whether or not we have what it takes to turn this ship around and create a world that truly works for everyone – a world that honors all living beings on the planet. I’ve felt this myself some days, where the despair about the pain that exists on the planet right now is just so overwhelming I don’t know what to do with it. I have felt small and helpless. I have looked at my babies and cried about the world they might inherit. I have wondered what kind of future is truly possible.

And always, ALWAYS I choose to bring myself back to what I know in my bones to be true:

That we are deeply, inherently good.
That we can create a peaceful, sustainable planet that honors Life.
That we have what it takes because we are designed to do this.

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Our Stories Matter

You are the protagonist of the story you’re telling yourself in your head every moment of every day.

There are all kinds of factors that have influenced how you have written that story – the role you play, what you’re capable of, what it’s possible for you to have or not have, how it’s possible for you to love or be loved, etc. If you look at your life and really examine some of the areas where you feel frustrated, unfulfilled, or just plain unhappy, I can guarantee you are telling some kind of story that supports the real-world experience you’re living out.

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The Beauty in the Challenges of Motherhood

I’ve struggled with what to write on this Mother’s Day because, if I’m honest, I’ve had a pretty rough year as a parent. A year when, a lot of the time, I haven’t felt like the greatest mother. A year when it’s been tough to find the balance between my adult responsibilities and my ability to be present with my children.

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Struggle & Why We Should Talk About It

In this digital, social-media world where we can pretty much cherry-pick the pieces of our life we share with people to paint the most beautiful picture possible and tie it up in a sparkly bow, we don’t get to witness people’s struggles much anymore. And we’ve conveniently been given an “out” from the need to be vulnerable with anyone if we don’t want to. And I get why we wouldn’t want to.

Real vulnerability – letting people see all the dark, twisty, imperfect, unpolished, raw parts of you – is terrifying.

Because what if those vulnerable parts of you are not met with compassion? What if they are met with judgement, or anger, or shame?

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Saying Thank You

I just left a blissful 4-day retreat in Ojo Caliente, NM.

It was the first extended period of time I have had to myself since getting married and having children almost 7 years ago.

As I drove through the desert on the way to the airport to make my way back home to “real life” I found myself wanting to hold onto this magical experience, dreaming about how wonderful it would be if I had just one or two or three more days in this peaceful oasis.

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