You are unique and precious just because you exist

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Are you ready to stop settling?

You matter.
The world needs you.
The real you — standing in your power, living your purpose.

So many people define themselves by who others have told them they are, or who they “should” be. They are living out of alignment with their True Self, and then they wonder why they feel “off,” out of place, like something just isn’t right – or that nothing works out the way they want it to. 

When you know and understand your own story – the story of who you TRULY are, aligned with your heart and your soul – and how your energy is designed to function, you can create the authentic, fulfilling life you’ve been seeking.

I am so grateful to Betsy for her thorough Human Design reading. I was able to get affirmation of my intuition and direction, as well as deep and specific guidance for moving forward. I learned things in this reading that confirmed things I’d questioned for years. I also gained clarity in 90 minutes on things that I would have probably continued to guess or speculate about for months or even years to come. Investing in a reading with Betsy will save you time otherwise spent in confusion and guesswork, and impact the trajectory of your life, relationships, and business.
— Sarah P.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system that gives you a map to the authentic YOU. It helps you understand how your energy works in the world, how you’re designed to make decisions, where you may be taking on or identifying with energy dynamics that aren’t really yours, how to connect to your purpose, and so much more.

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It is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System, and Quantum Physics.

Human Design is a cutting-edge personality assessment tool that combines ancient wisdom with modern science.

It can help you understand how to maximize your potential by following your unique decision-making strategy, optimizing your gifts and strengths, and learning to navigate areas where you may struggle.

Living a truly authentic life starts with knowing who you are, what you want, and what you need to do to create it. Your Human Design chart is your blueprint.

I love Betsy’s warm nature and ability to talk through your chart with ease and accessibility.
— Shannon T.
I appreciated Betsy’s personal attention to my situation. She skillfully answered questions and gave me wonderful insights about my Human Design chart!

what happens in a session?


Human Design

For a Human Design reading, I will run your chart and we will meet virtually via Zoom for your reading. Areas of focus can include:

  • A technical reading (walking through the energies of your chart to help you better understand your overall Design)

  • A life purpose reading

  • Relationship readings, including discussing charts of partners, children or family members to help you understand each other better and enhance relationship dynamics

  • Life Cycle Analysis (e.g., Saturn Return, Uranus Opposition, Kiron return, etc.) – these advanced readings help you understand the themes that will be showing up for you during a major life cycle / maturation period in your life, and how to navigate them

  • A coaching session using your Human Design chart as a roadmap (you can bring questions about anything you are working through in your life, and we will use the energies in your chart to support you in making aligned decisions and taking aligned action)


Quantum Alignment

The Quantum Alignment System™ is a system of integrated coaching developed by Karen Curry Parker that synthesizes Human Design with energy psychology (EFT tapping), subtle body therapies and traditional coaching. A session can help you:

  • Move through blocks, old stories and beliefs that may be keeping you stuck

  • Realign you more deeply with your authentic Design and your capacity for resiliency – particularly in the areas of the 9 core Resiliency Keys™ (Self-Worth, Lovability, Courage, Self-Trust, Decisiveness, Vitality, Emotional Wisdom, Empowerment and Authenticity)

  • Process emotions or stuck trauma that has gone unaddressed or unsupported in the past

  • Take control over the meanings you are creating in your life, so that you can overcome old patterns and start creating more powerfully than ever before

These sessions are potent and transformational!

To learn more about the Quantum Alignment System™ and the 9 resiliency keys, click here.


Let’s reconnect you with your authentic self and your authentic story – so that you can start creating the life your heart and soul were born to live. 

I am certified as an advanced level 4 Human Design specialist and level 3 Quantum Alignment Practitioner through Quantum Human Design for Everyone™ and the Quantum Alignment System™, created by Karen Curry Parker.

Being your true self is a gift you give the world.
