self-actualization (n):
The full realization of one’s potential in every way.
Have you ever felt this way?
You are living a life that is “fine” or “good enough” but your heart and your soul are calling for more
You’ve put yourself aside so much you feel like you don’t know who you are or what you want anymore
You’ve lost touch with your purpose and/or your life feels like it’s lost meaning
You know you’re here to do something big – you just don’t know how to get there, or how to show up as the leader and world-changer you are
You know you’re settling, but don’t know how to step into a true story of worthiness
To live a life that feels purposeful, meaningful, fulfilling, and in alignment with your true Self – to live your version of “having it all”.
Here’s the thing:
You probably already know who you are and what you are here to do... it just got lost and buried under years of conditioning – what you were told you “should” be or do or want. It’s time to remember how big, bold and fierce you really are.
I love supporting you in your self-actualization. In remembering your truth, reconnecting to your purpose, shifting through the conditioning and frustration of not being fully yourself so that you can reclaim your power and authentic direction – and stop settling for less than you deserve!!
it starts within.
When we live into the true and beautiful story of who we are, then we have the energy and clarity to serve at our highest level.
Wondering what that could feel like?? Imagine …
Doing work you love, that gives you energy instead of draining your energy
Healing relationships (romantic and otherwise) – even if you’ve been stuck in repeating patterns and think it’s “un-fix-able”, or gave up on believing you could have what you actually wanted (hint: you CAN have the deeply fulfilling relationships you desire!)
Centering relationships that actually see and honor you, and letting go of relationships filled with judgement that don’t allow you to be your full self
Making healthy choices that support your wellness and vitality on every level
Putting structures in place to grow your abundance in a way that feels exciting and aligned
Being proud of yourself for how you’re showing up – even on the days you “mess up” – because you’re more fully YOU than you’ve ever been, and it feels good
Here’s how we can work together:
Human Design
Your Human Design chart is a blueprint and a roadmap back to the truth of who you are. It can help identify where conditioning has played a part in you living inauthentically, reconnect you to your purpose and energy needs, and realign you with your purpose and best decision-making strategies.
Quantum Alignment
Integrating Human Design with EFT, I support you to clear the conditioning, trauma, unprocessed emotions, unhealthy meanings and stories that have kept you from living in alignment with your authentic self. This work is designed to enhance your resiliency and realign your energies in powerful ways.