Are We Inherently Good?
I’ve spoken with a lot of people who are feeling an enormous amount of despair right now ... people who look around at the world and doubt humanity’s inherent goodness, who doubt whether or not we have what it takes to turn this ship around and create a world that truly works for everyone – a world that honors all living beings on the planet. I’ve felt this myself some days, where the despair about the pain that exists on the planet right now is just so overwhelming I don’t know what to do with it. I have felt small and helpless. I have looked at my babies and cried about the world they might inherit. I have wondered what kind of future is truly possible.
And always, ALWAYS I choose to bring myself back to what I know in my bones to be true:
That we are deeply, inherently good.
That we can create a peaceful, sustainable planet that honors Life.
That we have what it takes because we are designed to do this.
I went to dinner with a friend recently who is also into Human Design. We caught up about life and then somehow ended up looking at the charts of a bunch of different people in her life. Every time she would pull up a new chart I would say, “oooh!!” or “wow!!” She said, “some people‘s charts are so interesting, aren’t they?” And I replied, “Actually, EVERY chart!”
And it’s true. Literally every time I look at someone’s chart for the first time I find myself in awe of it. Because every single person is so unique and magical, every single person is such an amazing being with such incredible potential, it takes my breath away.
I did an exercise once with others where we took the charts of prominent political figures and covered over their names, examining their chart without any context for who they were. It was amazing to watch everyone analyze the energies without any of the bias that we might normally hold. Even the people doing some of the most divisive things have amazing charts, amazing capabilities, amazing purpose, and amazing potential. This exercise was a great reminder that there are no “bad” people out there. Maybe there are people who have done incredibly hurtful and very wrong things ... but at their core, even some of the greatest villains in history have had the potential to live out great and beautiful stories. It’s all about how we work with the energy of our design. (Imagine if the leaders responsible for some of the most widespread death and destruction in history had used their powerful energy to create peace and life instead?? Same energy, different action and direction.)
At any moment we have a choice: to live out the highest expression of our energies or to go into default patterns of conditioning – actions that come from pain, hurt, and trauma.
And yes, the actions resulting from these choices have an impact (on other people and on the world).
That is why I believe this work is so important. Because the more we can understand what the highest expression of our Self truly is, the more we can lean into that high expression and rewrite old painful stories into empowering new ones – AND the more we have the ability to make a positive impact on the planet and to live out our higher purpose. Imagine what would happen if everyone was able to do this! What a world we could create!!
If you are ready to learn more about your Design and step into a new, more empowering story, I am here to support you on that journey. The world needs you standing in your power, living out the highest expression of the Magic that you are, living into the divine purpose that only you can do.
You matter.
Your purpose on this planet matters.
We need you.
Will you take the leap?