Finding Higher Ground

Do you ever struggle with a pattern or a habit or just a way you’re being in the world and think, “there’s something wrong with me.” Or, “I wish I could change this about myself but I can’t.”

I think we’ve all been there. We all have patterns that don’t feel good that we just can’t seem to get out of. They’re involuntary, we act or think or speak a certain way without even meaning to. It just happens. It’s frustrating – and the act of feeling unable to change a pattern that isn’t working for you can make it feel even worse. It’s that feeling of being stuck...

In the Human Design chart it’s sometimes said that certain energies either “Are, or they Aren’t.” This means that the energies in the chart are either playing out in their high expression or their low expression, and they are often the polar opposite of each other.

For example, gate 55 is the gate of Abundance of Spirit. In its highest expression, this gate teaches that it’s through our connection to a higher power, through our faith and trust in divine order, that our abundance flows. This energy is innately abundant through its knowledge of its own divinity …. OR NOT. When this gate is not acting in its highest expression, it becomes the energy of lack. It is the opposite of abundance. It either is abundance, or it isn’t.

The gate 10 is the gate of the Love of the Self. In its highest expression, this gate teaches us the purest form of self-love and self-acceptance. It knows that we are all innately lovable and perfect just because we exist …. OR NOT. In its low expression, this gate turns to blame and victim consciousness. Not only does it not know how to love itself, but it turns that lack of self-love outward onto other people. It is the opposite of self-love. It either is self-love, or it really isn’t.

I realized this morning that we can actually use this polarity as a guide! For example, one of my personal gifts is foresight. I can often see the bigger picture of things, or intuitively see or know things about other people, sometimes I even intuit or dream things before they happen. But when I am standing in the lower expression of this energy, I can actually get boxed into narrow thinking. I get tunnel vision. I can’t see possibilities, I get stuck in the issue or the struggle I’m in right at the moment and can’t see my way out. (It either is, or it isn’t.)

What if, when we felt stuck in a negative pattern, instead of spiraling down into “what’s wrong with me” or “why can’t I seem to change this?!” we chose to think about what the opposite of this pattern was? Because the opposite of the negative pattern or experience we’re having might actually be one of our gifts! We just can’t see it when we’re stuck in that low expression of our own energy, but that doesn’t mean the higher expression isn’t there. It’s just not being accessed at the moment.


I encourage you, next time you feel stuck, use it as a ladder to higher ground.

What would be the higher expression of that energy? If you are constantly stuck in a mindset of lack, maybe you have access to even more abundance than you’ve allowed yourself to dream of! If you are stuck in narrow thinking, maybe you have the gift of vision greater than you’ve allowed yourself to see! If you have been stuck in self-loathing, maybe you are actually your own greatest source of self-love!

And maybe all of these gifts are what you are actually meant to give and teach others – because the areas where we navigate our way through the stuckness and the struggle, where we persevere and come out the other side to the higher expression, that’s when we get to help others find their way out, too. Because we’ve been there. We’ve walked that road, and we know the path.

Maybe our greatest struggles are ultimately our greatest blessings.

Who’da thunkit?

Life’s pretty amazing that way.

I hope you can find the blessings in your struggles today, and that you come to know the true nature of your gifts. We’re all on the journey together.

Big love,