Our Stories Matter

Here’s why I fell in love with Human Design: it’s a roadmap to your personal story. That’s really the essence of what your chart is.

I’m a storyteller by nature. I have always loved listening to and telling authentic stories – the kind that make you feel, the kind that make you cry, the kind that inspire you to be more yourself than you were before you heard the story …

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Stories are powerful.

They make us believe in what’s possible (or not). They help us dream (or not). They teach us values, and they connect us with our sense of identity.

There is a reason that people are making such a big deal about representation in film and media these days. Because studies have shown that the stories that are portrayed in the media we consume impact our beliefs about the world, about other people, and about ourselves. It directly impacts self-esteem and what we believe is possible for ourselves and people who look like us. For example, if African-American children don’t see themselves represented in powerful stories – or if the roles they see African-American characters playing are dominantly one-dimensional stereotypes or the villains of a story – they are much more likely to believe that they don’t matter, or that they can only play these kinds of marginalized roles in society. This is why people are pushing for African-American actors to play the CEO, the President, the romantic lead, or the superhero in a film – because it actually makes children believe that they, too, can play these powerful roles in society. The same is true for LatinX, Asian, and other people of color, as well as women. When we see people who look like us succeeding and being powerful, we believe WE can be powerful too.

You are the protagonist of the story you’re telling yourself in your head every moment of every day.

There are all kinds of factors that have influenced how you have written that story – the role you play, what you’re capable of, what it’s possible for you to have or not have, how it’s possible for you to love or be loved, etc. If you look at your life and really examine some of the areas where you feel frustrated, unfulfilled, or just plain unhappy, I can guarantee you are telling some kind of story that supports the real-world experience you’re living out.

“I can’t have that because …”

“I’m not good enough for …” 

“They could love me if only I …”

“I have to do or be ______ in order to have ______ …”

“I’m not supposed to be or want ______ …”

“I should be ________ way …”

The list goes on.

A year ago I learned the importance of the stories we tell ourselves. I learned it because I started learning about my chart and the way I’m designed. I started understanding and having real compassion for myself. I let go of all the ways I’d been “shoulding” myself and realized that I had been trying to be something other than I was in order to succeed / be loved / be who I thought people wanted me to be. I was exhausted. It is exhausting trying to hold a mask up all the time trying to be someone we’re not! I let the mask down. I forgave myself for holding it up as long as I did. And I committed to not settling anymore for being less than I was, or for accepting less than I deserved. Using my chart as a roadmap, I rewrote the story of who I am and what I’m here to do in the world. And it was a pivotal moment in my life. My relationships changed, my work changed, my life changed.

I’m not saying I’ve “arrived” anywhere – I don’t believe in that. Our stories are a life-long evolving process that we learn to live into every day. The work is never “done.” But I can say that I’m living a much more fulfilled and purposeful life with much more authentic relationships now than I was a year ago. And I will forever be grateful to Human Design for that.

My chart helped me reconnect to my authentic story, and it feels SO much better.

It would be an honor to give you the gift of reconnecting to YOUR authentic self, to rediscovering your own inner roadmap. Rewriting our stories is a powerful gift we can give ourselves, each other, and the world. Because it helps us reimagine what’s possible. It helps us dream again.

I hope you tell yourself a loving, empowering story today. You deserve it.

Big love.